Friday, April 20, 2012

Hey Baby ;)

In the beginning, texting was meant for a quick way to communicate with another person, however this form of communication has been perverted by the people into something much worse, it is called "Sexting." It's title gives a basic, clear description of what this is, it is texting but with sex as it's main topic or reason for beginning the conversation. Meaning, young adults and adults as well are sending sexual words and pictures to each other to invoke some type of "sexual thrill" between each other. However, this challenges there own morality and tears it into a million pieces. This is for sexting is a path way to a plethora of problems, for it can lead to sexual immortality, mental or possibly physical abuse, and adultery. This is message for all parents, young people, and others who have taken part in this act, this is changes our perspective of sex into a horrible visage. It will make us think sex as nothing more that a tool of pleasure, rather than act of love. This was caused by our abuse of technology in which caused young people and many others to become sexually immoral. In a excerpt from, "Alone Together" By Sherry Turkel, she begins the affects of this abuse and what it makes these people into. In which Turkel explains that these people are trying to reach out for a connection from another person without trying to actually have a relationship with them through technology. Not only does this be used to pervert the way sex is viewed and how relationships formed, but it also it can be used to mentally abuse another person. In the Summer of 2009, a young girl by the name of Cynthia committed suicide because she was being blackmailed with nude photos that she had sent to her boyfriend(Rhonda Callow, This is a problem that will continue to worsen if the parents, young people, and the nation does not find a solution quickly. 

There are many ways that this current situation can be solved, however the solution will be only be found if the country it's self works together to find it. In a ideological excerpt named "Community" by Henry Nouwen, Nouwen explains how the Christian can be a savior to many people or many problems including sexting. He explains that we need to look into ourselves to see the wrong that we are doing and embrace the christian faith. In which Nouwen explains in his piece how the faith can be a powerful and healing thing and can change lives or even hearts. Just think if we used the Christian faith to abolish sexting from the hearts and minds of the people who use them. From what Nouwen describes, it would purify them and direct them onto a moral path of life. Another solution that could be used to rid of sexting from the hearts and minds of the people is to return to post-modernism.  In which in modernism, we did not abuse technology or use it to pervert the way humans have relationships between each other. However, in post  modernism,  we did not use technology, we used normal interaction between each other to form relationships. If we return to post-modernism, sexting would no longer exist, its immorality would disappears and it perversion of sex would also become extinct. 

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